----------------------------Original message----------------------------
The Map Interest Committee of the Northern Ohio Bibliophilic
Society will hold its summer meeting on Tuesday, Aug.23, in
Beachwood, Ohio. The group will meet in the "Arts & Crafts Room"
of the Beachwood Public Library, 25501 Shaker Blvd. (& Richmond Rd.)
from 7:00 - 8:45 pm.
Duncan Gardiner, Pd.D., will speak on maps and gazetteers.
All interested parties are invited to attend. Membership in
NOBS is not a requirement.
I am really sorry the my e-mail capacity does not permit me to
send Bill Barrow's marvelous directions done in the format of a
T-O map.
Any questions, please contact Bill at [log in to unmask]
or myself, Maureen Farrell, Map Collection, Cleveland Public
Library at [log in to unmask]