----------------------------Original message----------------------------
There is an excellent children's book on astronomy called
Exploring the Night Sky.
One section of the book shows paintings of the sky at increasing
distances from Earth, from (I think) one light-minute all the way
out to the largest known structures in the universe.
Whether or not this will help meet your needs, I can strongly
recommend the book for children and adults alike.
-----------------------------Original message----------------------------
You could use something as simple as pennies.  It would be easy to show 10**0
to 10**3  after that you could talk in terms of putting them in tubs, trucks
trains, etc.  You might want to mention pyramid schemes (usually powers of 6)
where the 11th generation would require more than the entire population of N.
America and the 13th generation requires greater than twice the world
population.  (That's a lot of soap distributors!).
Greg Durocher
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