----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>Could someone tell me where Chateau Joinsard is located within France? I believ
>e it is near Limoges, Fr., but I have not been able to find it on any map or ot
>her reference (I have checked references here at the Univ of Kentucky). I belie
>ve the place (could this be a building, not a town?) existed around 1650. Thank
> you.
>Linda Perry
Hello Linda,
I was born in Limoges and i don't know this Chateau.
I'm sure that is not a town in France, because I look into my commune list.
If you want this list , I can give you.
Excuse my poor English,  but i'd try to help you .
Christophe SIRA
Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches Eco-Geographiques
Atelier de Cartographie et de Publication Assistees
3, rue de l'Argonne - F 67083 STRASBOURG CEDEX
Tel. 88.45.64. 23 - Fax (33) 88 41 13 59
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