----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Hi all--
I am new to this list and indeed to this field, so excuse me if this
question is naive or redundant.
I am looking for:
1. names and numeric codes (geopolitical codes?) for France for all
geographic levels (provinces, departments, communes, and anything smaller)
2. area (in square kilometers) of each region associated with such a code
3. population statistics (just numbers, not demographics) for each such area
4. all of the above for Belgium.
If you have any idea where I might find this information (besides
Minitel--I am currently trying to get access to that system, but cannot
currently access it), online or off, I would greatly appreciate e-mail
to me at the address below.
Yael Schwartz
Etak, Inc.
(415) 328-3825 x 409
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