----------------------------Original message----------------------------
I can't answer for Albert, but I have detected another little problem and
that has to do with the tutorial.  For some reason, windows loses track
of the tutorial icon, and replaces it with the standard "DOS terminal"
icon.  And the other day, a staff member reported to me that the tutorial
wouldn't run when she clicked on the icon.  Haven't had time to
investigate the reason for the latter problem but regarding the icon
matter (this is in the "minor irritation" category only) I have had to
use one of the help icons supplied with Windows.  THe one shipped with
Worldmap is now an empty file.
On Tue, 14 Feb 1995 [log in to unmask] wrote:
> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> Albert Buys refers to a Windows problem with Worldmap.exe on his PC. Can
> you be a bit more specific about what you are doing and when the error
> occurs? I can then try it myself and if necessary refer it to the
> developer.
> regards,
> Tim Rideout
> Bartholomew