----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Regarding Dora Wong's question about precipitation on the North
Slope of Alaska, NOAA Monthly Climatological Data for Alaska (C 55.214/03:
79\09 Alaska) gives detailed rain and snow data for five different
sites.  The weather observation stations are Barrow, Kotzebue, Kuparuk,
Prudhoe Bay, and Umiat.
The Environmental Atlas of Alaska (Hartman) lists 30" as the average
snowfall and 10" average precipitation.   By the way, the 1990
Census indicates that the "no significant population" of the North
Slope Borough amounts to some 5,979 persons.
> I have a patron who is looking for the annual precipitation for the north
> slope in Alaska. We have tried GeoRef, NOAA gopher, Polar Gopher but none
> were on target. Could it be that since no significant population exists
> there, that such data are not gathered? I would appreciate it if the
> netters could suggest an overlooked resource. Thank you! --
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Walt Herreid -- Government Documents
     University of Alaska Fairbanks
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