----------------------------Original message----------------------------
In response to Darius' query about maps, I remember finding a wonderfull
map in the Brathens SAFE (I think that is correnct - it is the Norwegian
internal airline) magazine in 1987. It as of western Europe and showed
Scotland correctly. There was, though, no border between England and
Wales and it had text that stretched from Cardigan Bay in the west
to the Wash in the east that read 'WALES'. There was no mention of
England anywhere! As a good Scottish Nationalist I kept it for
posterity and probably still have it in a cupboard somewhere.
It is not quite the same subject, but it saves two replies. Mr
Blanchard has been asking about bias in maps, and of course this
occurs all the time. I could give many examples where our maps have
had to be politically correct - e.g. maps for sale in Turkey can not
use any Kurdish place names. India and Pakistan are very touchy about
how Kashmir is shown. Most recently our forthcoming Japanese version
of the Times World Map & Database (to be published mid-year) has
had to be changed from the English version to show the Kuril islands
as Japanese, even though they have been under Russian control since
Tim Rideout
12 Duncan St,
Edinburgh, EH9 1TA,
Scotland Europe
The above are my personal opinions only!