----------------------------Original message----------------------------
The Nation of Hawai`i is proud to announce our service on the World Wide
Web to provide information regarding the legal foundation for the
restoration of Hawaiian independence, along with cultural perspectives from
the people of Hawai`i.
As of February 18, 1995, this service includes:
- LEGAL DOCUMENTATION - includes excerpts of:
    - The Apology Resolution (US Public Law 103-150), Nov. 23, 1993,
    - Legal Testimony of Prof. Francis A. Boyle, Dec. 28, 1993
    - Proclamation of Independence, Jan. 16, 1994
      (Full text these documents may also be obtained through the Nation's
      Automated Document Retrieval System.  Send an empty message to:
      <[log in to unmask]>
      to receive an index of files available, and instructions for retrieval.)
    Essay and Chonology on the process of self-determination and restoration
    since the Nov. 23, 1993, passage of the United States' official Apology
    for the overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawai`i in 1893, including
    information on the newly ratified Hawai`i Constitution
    Regarding Hawai`i's history from the time of European contact in 1778
Plus related NEWS ARTICLES, GIF IMAGES, and a special feature on the "Canoe
Plants" of Ancient Hawai`i that were brought to the islands by early
polynesian voyagers.
We also feature LINKS with other Hawai`i, Sovereignty, and Indigenous resources
    \                                                  /
    /                 Executive Office                 \
    \                 Nation of Hawai'i                /
    /          P.O. Box 80, Waimanalo, Hawaii          \
    \          voice: 808/259-5049 or 259-7152         /
    /                fax: 808/259-9542                 \
    \                                                  /
    /              [log in to unmask]              \
    \  http://www.aloha.net/nation/hawaii-nation.html  /
    /                                                  \
    \ Auto Document Retrieval: [log in to unmask]  /
    /                                                  \
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>Received: from netcom7.netcom.com by ucsd.edu; id HAA18836 sendmail 8.6.9/UCSD-
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>Date: Tue, 21 Feb 1995 07:55:56 -0800 (PST)
>From: "P. Michael McCulley" <[log in to unmask]>
>X-Sender: mcculley@netcom7
>To: Leslie Abrams <[log in to unmask]>,        Larry Cruse <Larry_Cruse@UCSDLIBRA
>Subject: Nation of Hawai`i WWW (fwd)
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>X-CCaddr: To: leslie abrams AT ucsdlibrary
>X-CCaddr: To: larry cruse AT ucsdlibrary