----------------------------Original message----------------------------
You are invited to the next meeting of the
                    ARIZONA MAP SOCIETY...
The program will be:
"Treasures of the University of Arizona Map Collection",
by Chris Kollen, University of Arizona.
Saturday, February 18, 1995, 10:00 am. to noon.
University of Arizona
Map Collection, first floor (basement)
Main Library
Corner of Cherry and University, Tucson.
Following the talk will be the "show and tell":  attendees are
encouraged to bring maps to display and discuss".  If you have maps
that you would like to have evaluated as to authenticity and/or
value, there will be free consultation with experts in attendance.
If you would like to be placed on a mailing list for additional
information about the Society, membership application procedures,
and dates of its future activities, please mail or e-mail a message
to the address below, giving your name, address, and what your
interests in maps are.
Jack Mount
Science-Engineering Library
University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ 85721
Internet:  [log in to unmask]