----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Hi folks,
For those of you who surf the net, thought you might be interested to
know that the cartographic homepage at the University of Waterloo has
moved (slightly!).  The new URL is:
This page has been extensively revised and reorganized.  It is amazing
how quickly links can go stale or get corrupted by tinkering with them.
Would appreciate comments about links I have missed that you think are
noteworty.  You can also reach this same page by going first to the
Library's homepage at:
then clicking on By Discipline
then clicking on Cartographic Materials.
I am starting to build a page of links to university campus maps on the
Web; you can see this rather preliminary page by going to the bottom of
the cartographic homepage, then clicking on:
 other university campus maps
So far I have found campus maps at Carnegie Mellon, Harvard, CalTech,
Honolulu, and a few other places.  Would appreciate hearing about others.
Richard Hugh Pinnell
Head, University Map and Design Library, University of Waterloo,
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada  N2L 3G1
Phone: 519/888-4567, extension 3412
Fax:   519/746-8476
Email: [log in to unmask]