----------------------------Original message----------------------------
We cataloged a map published in Beirut in 1988 in which
Israel is called Palestine.
If you have access:  LC# 88-694754/MAPS
GEOprojects road map of the Middle East.  Beirut, Lebanon :
GEOprojects, 1988.
According to Peter Blanchard:
> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> Wanted: Opinionated Maps
> In preparing a Master's thesis I'm researching ways in which maps have been
> used to present a particular point of view.  While all representations are
> biased in one way or another, I'm looking for intentional bias.  The classic
> example of this is the propaganda maps prepared during World War II, but I'm
> looking for recent maps as well, maps which use the elements of cartography
> to make an argument.  This might be in the business world, with
> environmental concerns, in the political realm, and so on.  They might come
> from informational brochures, direct mail or other sources.  Of particular
> interest to me would be maps of the same area which support opposing views.
> If you know of such maps and could direct me to them or have copies which
> could be sent to me, I'd appreciate it a great deal.
> Thank-you,
> Peter Blanchard  6814 Chelsea St.  Madison, WI 53719
> ([log in to unmask])
Donna Gant
4100 Va. Beach Blvd.
Va. Beach VA 23452
ph: 804-431-3055; fax 804-431-3018