----------------------------Original message----------------------------
    Just wanted to post a quick summary of the April 26 meeting
    of the Map Interest group from the Northern Ohio Bibliophilic
    Society (please excuse cross-posting).
        The meeting was hosted and co-sponsored by the Western
    Reserve Historical Society in Cleveland. David Bosse, of the
    William L. Clements Library at the University of Michigan, had
    been "lured" to Cleveland by Bill Barrow's promise of a look
    at some Civil War maps and correspondence in Western Reserve's
        David gave a fascinating, illustrated talk on Civil War
    newspaper maps. (Check out his two books on the topic if you
    haven't already done so.) He explored the development of this
    new type of journalism, as well as acquainting us with the variety
    and development of printing techniques, and a run down of newpapers
    and contract cartographic houses who produced the maps.
    His information on the role of correspondents in the war, as well
    as the media's occasional clash with the generals was especially
    enlightening. A question and answer session followed.
       The group's June meeting will be a visit to the Geography Dept
    and GIS lab at Kent State University.
    Maureen Farrell
    Map Collection, Cleveland Public Library
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