----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Have you tried the SIIASA group at Griffith ?
Best wishes,
>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>Hi all,
>This is a reference enquiry that I have been unable to answer from my local
>sources and I would appreciate any help forthcoming.
>Does anyone know who would be able to supply me with small scale digital
>geological map data sets of the following countries ?
>.       Philippines
>.       Malaysia
>.       Taiwan
>.       Indonesia
>I am aware of the Kalimantan 1:250 000 map series being done by the
>Indonesian government but need a whole country data set.
>I am also looking for a supplier of a data set that includes all the mines
>and resource locations in China (again on a whole country scale)
>Any suggestions would be welcome !  Please reply directly to me at
>[log in to unmask]
>Thanks in advance
>Annette Sugden
>Annette Sugden
>Regional Initiatives Group
>Land Resources Division
>Department of Primary Industries and Energy
>Ph : (06) 272 5537
>Fax : (06) 272 5618
Alan Jones,
Department of Geography & Planning, University of New England,
Armidale, NSW 2351, Australia.
email  : [log in to unmask]
phone : 067 732430
fax     : 067 733030