----------------------------Original message----------------------------
R>On Fri, 19 May 1995, Bruce Parkhurst wrote:
R>> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
 >> I am seeking a source for digital-based maps of the Charles River basin,
 >> preferably in the public domain.  Any leads?
Check with the Army Corp of Engineers out in Newton. ACE maintains a
large flood control project (or they did when I lived there), and since
GRASS was developed by CERL (also Army), maybe they have digital
coverages of the river in that form as p/d.  You could also download the
USGS DLG data for this area from FTP site edcftp.cr.usgs.gov. Don't know
if that resolution is good enough for you, though.
_   /|   Bill Thoen <[log in to unmask]>
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