----------------------------Original message----------------------------
I was asked to be a little more specific about
what we're looking for.
Every year students are given an assignment
wherein they have an aerial map (7.5 minute
series) and have to identify the location
based on a close analysis of the terrain,
infrastructural elements, etc.  Typically,
they struggle mightily.
So, it occurred to us as a Reference Dept.
that there might be a CD-ROM product that
would simplify the identification of a
given map.  That's as far as we've gotten.
Of course, the CD would change the nature
of the assignment completely, and we haven't
consulted with the professor(s) in question
to determine whether making such a resource
available to the students would further the
course's instructional objectives ....
At any rate, that's where we're at.  Cheers!
Frostburg State Univ.
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