----------------------------Original message----------------------------
     Geography & Map Division, S.L.A. conference update follows:
     Hoping to see you all in Montreal!
     Difficulties in transferring Word attachments to my email and getting
     them down to Maps-l, have meant that the complete updated schedule
     could not be posted. The new technology got me, folks, or it got
     Maps-l or Johnnie. Anyway, following is a brief list of the programs,
     and their room assignments in Montreal.
     Sunday June 11
       8-9 Govt relations workshop CC403C; Public Relations Workshop
         CC403A; Treasurers' Workshop CC403B
       9-1 DACOLT: Division and Officer leadership training CC407C
       10:30-11:45  G&M Division committees urged to meet prior to Exec Bd.
       1-2  Bulletin Editors Workshop CC403A; Membership Workshop CC403B;
         Professional Development Workshop CC403C
       1:30-3 Boston conference planning committee CC402 [Elaine, not sure
         you have to attend this..]   SLA Reception for firt time attendees
       4:30-6 G&M executive board  SH Salon 2
       6-8:00  Reception at David M. Stewart Museum on St. Helene Island in
          St. Lawrence River. Take the Metro over early to see the exhibit
          Beauty and Image: Women and Allegory in Antique Maps from
          10:00 am to 5 pm.  RECEPTION SPONSORED BY MAPLINK
     Monday June 12, 1995
       9-10:15   SLA General Session I  CC407B
       10:30-11:45  Membership Forum G&M Division: How S.L.A. G. & M.
          Division Promotes Your Career  CC404B
                Speaker: Charlene Baldwin, University of California,
       1;30-2:45  Business Meeting G&M Division  CC 404B
       3:00-4:15  Reports Session G&M Division  CC404B
       4:30-6  Champagne and Strawberries reception honoring former chairs
         of the Geography and Map Division, former Honors Award Winners
         Ticketted event. SOLD OUT. QE Galerie 2.  [Come anyway, I am
         trying to work out more tickets!]
       6:00+  Montreal on your own
     Tuesday June 13, 1995
       9-10:15  S.L.A. General Session II  CC 407B
       10:30-11:45  Promoting the Map Library to your boss and to the
         public: How local map societies, library friends groups and
         geographic alliances further the work of map libraries.  CC 403B
                Speakers: William Barrow, Kent State University & Case
     Westerm Reserve; Alice Hudson, New York Public Library.  Members of
     the Geography & Map Division are invited to bring along anecdotes,
     examples of posters, invitations, etc. to share at this meeting.  We
     need to help each other keep map librarianship alive and kicking!
       1:30 -2:45  Cataloging Geospatial Data in Digital Form/ cospponsored
          by the S.L.A. Cataloging Committee  Speaker: Mary Larsgaard
          of the University of California, Santa Barbara.    CC411B
       3:00-4:15  GIS transforming our world: standards for reference
         service I   CC 411B
                Speakers: Elaine Clement & Todd Bacastow of Pennsylvania
     State University  on providing an effective environment for the use of
     GIS in libraries; and Roberta Brody of Rutgers University on issues
     and concerns in enabling access to public information through GIS.
       4:30-6  Visit the exhibits!
       4:30-6  S.L.A. Division Cabinet   QE Marquette
       6:00-7:30  S.L.A. Joint Cabinet, if necessary   QE Le Grand Salon
       6:00+  Montreal on your own
     Wednesday June 14, 1995
     9-11:15  S.L.A. Annual meeting  CC407A
     11:30-12:45  GIS transforming our world: standards for reference
         service II.    CC 411 B
        Speakers: Myke Gluck, Florida State University on Public library
     users and GIS; and Ardis Hanson and Diane Powell, Florida Mental
     Health Institute on the use of Geographic and map information in
     evaluating neighborhood use of social services.
     2:30-3:45  Vendor presentations -- From paper maps to scanned maps
       CC 411 B
                Earl McElfresh of McElfresh Map Co will speak on
     researching and creating Civisl War battle maps for today's market;
     Ara Hourdajian, Microcolor International, Inc. will speak on Hybrid
     Imaging; The use of colro microfiche and Photo CD(r) for preservation
     and access.
     4-6  Environmental Mapping and Information Systems. Cosponsored by ERM
     Division.  QE St. Laurent
                Kathleen Eisenbeis, yale University will speak on EOSDIS --
     The next step.  A description of NASA's Earth Observing System data
     and information system.     Martin Jean, of the St. Lawrence Centre,
     Environment Canada will speak on the managment and access of
     environmental information: the St. lawrence Case Study.
     5:00-6:00  G&M Executive Board [if necessary]
     5:00+ Montreal on your own
     Thursday, June 15, 1995
     8:30-3:00  "Le Tour de la Montagne: A geo-architectural tour of
     Montreal" will be led by Professor David Hanna of the Dept of Urban
     and Tourist Studied at the University of Quebec in Montreal. We will
     visit Westmount and Outremont with their fabulous architecture, and
     the multi-ethnic Plateau, where we will eat lunch at the Greek
     restaurant, Jardin de Panos. Lunch costs are in addition to the field
     trip ticket cost.  We will return to the Queen Elizabeth Hotel around
     3 pm
     6-9:00  Wrap up dinner for G&M folk; perhaps Macauslan's Microbrewery.
       Meet Queen Elizabeth Lobby at 6:00
     CC  Convention Center
     QE  Queen Elizabeth Hotel
     SH  Sheraton