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      Subject: bill m woods award winner announcement from gmd of sla
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                            Bill M. Woods Award
     On Monday, June 12, 1995, in the Queen Elizabeth Hotel, at the 86th
Annual Conference of the Special Libraries Association, held in Montreal, Quebec,
Mr. Paige G. Andrew, Chair of the Geography and Map Division of the Special
Libraries Association announced that the Bill M. Woods Award for the best feature
article to appear in the Bulletin during 1994 was awarded to HelenJane Armstrong
for her article in the September Issue, "An Academic Map Library Loads GPO
Cataloguing Tapes: A Case Study of Plans and Impacts". Dr. Armstrong was
unable to attend the award ceremony. Dr. Armstrong is Head of the Map and
Imagery Library and an Assistant Chair of the Documents Department at the
University of Florida. She holds a B.A. degree in Geography from Carroll College, a
M.L.S. degree from the University of Oklahoma, and a PhD. in Geography from
Oregon State University. Before founding the Map and Imagery Library at the
University of Florida in 1973, she was responsible for founding and developing map
libraries at the National Geographic Society and Northern Illinois University.
     Her article is a comprehensive, clear, and very readable presentation of the
considerations involved in loading Marcive retrospective GPO cataloging tapes into
an online catalog. It "discusses the experiences of the map librarian who was
closely involved with the profiling and establishment of load specifications for the
maps" and "examines the impacts, challenges, and advantages associated with the
planning and implementation of the project". With the inclusion of a background
description, sample screens, discussion of the impact on reference and public
service, figures for the number of maps records and cost factors, and a list of
references, the reader gains a deep appreciation of the process. For anyone
planning a similar project, this article will be an essential guide for organization and
implementation. We thank her for this thoughtful and practical contribution to the
understanding of map cataloging.
     The Bill M. Woods Award, established in June 1975, is named for an early
leader in the field of Map Librarianship and Education and includes a $50.00 cash
award. Bill M. Woods was responsible for the building of the important map
collection at the University of Illinois in the 1950s; was a supporter of the
Geography and Map Division, Special Libraries Association; and a recipient of the
Division's 1959 Honors Award. This year marks the 7th time the award has been