----------------------------Original message----------------------------
     Just a reminder folks, you will be crossing an international border,
     and will go through Customs. Allow extra time for this pre-boarding
     business. AirCanada advises its passengers to arrive at least one hour
     before takeoff.  Also remember to take along adequate i.d. to prove
     your U.S. or other, citizenship.
     For those who seek restaurants with appropriate atmosphere, Paragraphe
     bills itself as a Librairie/Bookstore & Cafe at 2065, rue Mansfield,
     Montreal. Sorry, dont know the cross street. They are open 7 days a
     week also.
     For those who want to travel together to the open house at the Stewart
     Museum, we will plan to meet, probably at the Queen Elizabeth or
     Sheraton Hotel [where the exec board will be meeting] and go over from
     there on the METRO. Look for an update on maps-l up to Saturday,
     and/or a message under G on the message board in the registration area
     at the Convention Centre.
     Alice Hudson
     Montreal Program Planner