----------------------------Original message----------------------------
The Digital Raster Graphics are indeed images and not databases. There
is nothing that a GIS can do with them other than to use them as a
backdrop ("wallpaper") for other covers. When I was given one of the
early demo disks I wondered why USGS was doing this. In response to
my query on GIS-L I received a long reply from the USGS listing a
number of reasons all related to internal map production matters. I
received only one other response from someone who found them useful.
In that latter case the company had to deal with a state agency (Texas
as I recall) that required them to submit their permiting requests,
etc., as overlays to 1:24K quads. CDs are cheap, but this distribution
still appears to me to be of very limited utility.
Duane F. Marble                E-mail: [log in to unmask]
Dept. of Geography             Home Page: http://thoth.sbs.ohio-state.edu
The Ohio State University      Telephone:  (614) 292-2250
Columbus, OH 43210             Fax:  (614) 292-6213