----------------------------Original message----------------------------
I've just recieved a copy of Geodex to evaluate for use as means for
checking in depository maps.  A few questions:
One, the last update I see in ftp://ftp.csd.uwm.edu/pub/geodex is for
March.  Is this the normal lag time for updates?  Entering our own
records detailed enough to make Geodex useful would not be possible
with current staff/time constraints.
The software appears ill suited for non-regular sheets such as the
miscellaneous investigations series.  Do libraries using Geodex use
something else for such series?
It appears as though the size of a database file has a pretty large
effect on the usability, particularly searching for sheet names
which are (unfortunately) not indexed.  Does anyone have opinions on
practical upper limit, first assuming a 25MHz 386SX, then a
33MHz 486DX?
John Fieber
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