----------------------------Original message----------------------------
    [posted to Carta, Carto-Soc, lis-maps, MapHist, Maps-L]
                ** Advance Announcement **
 XVIIth International Conference on the History of Cartography
           Lisbon, Portugal 6-10 July 1997
 A leaflet, giving further details, will be distributed to all
those attending the 16th Conference (Vienna, 11-16 September
1995).  Others can write to [sorry about the lack of accents]:
17th International Conference on the History of Cartography,
Comissao Nacional para as Comemoracoes dos Descobrimentos
Portugueses [or CNCDP], Casa dos Bicos, Rua dos Bacalhoeiros,
1100 Lisboa, Portugal.  Fax:  + 8873380.
This early announcement should enable the organisers of related
conferences to avoid the above dates.  Please post this message
further, if appropriate.
[log in to unmask]
Tony Campbell, Map Librarian and Chairman, Imago Mundi Ltd
British Library Map Library
Great Russell Street
London WC1B 3DG, UK
Phone: 0171 412 7525.  International: +44 171 412 7525
Fax: 0171 412 7780. International: +44 171 412 7780