----------------------------Original message----------------------------
          The U.S. Dept. of Energy's Energy Information Administration
          (DOE/EIA) is the best source for worldwide info, either
          through their paper pubs sent to all depository libraries,
          the microfiche versions available from and exhaustively
          indexed by Congressional Information Service (Inc.) in the
          American Statistics Index (also their International
          Index of Statistics and Stastistical Reference Index
          --avail in most research libraries--and on the Internet on
          the DOE's homepage (the only place we've found to get WEEKLY
          energy data). All info is public domain.
          Paige is right re: Petroleum Economist maps: they show all
          energy generation, but info is propriatery.
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Liz,  just a thought, you might check out some of the series of maps
produced by the Petroleum Economist. Most have to do with petroleum as the
source of energy of course, but they have produced some world energy maps
plus regional energy maps that might include hydro power in some of the
graphs and tables that are always included.
>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>I am currently working on a World Atlas and I can not find certain information.
>I am looking for information concerning european and world  hydro and
>thermal electric output.
>Can anyone help?
>Liz Donnelly
Mr. Paige G. Andrew
Maps/Nonbook Cataloger
E506 Pattee Library
Pennsylvania State University Libraries
The Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA 16802
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phone: 814-865-1755
fax: 814-863-7293
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>From: Paige Andrew <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject:      Re: Hydro & Thermal Power
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