----------------------------Original message----------------------------
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
     I would swear I read an article about a teacher in elementary or high
     school using GIS in her  classes in GIS WOrld, Business Geographics,
     or Earth Observation Magazine in the last couple months, but now I
     can't find it of course. I would like to refer to it in a presentation
     I'm giving next Friday, OCT. 6. Does anyone remember such an animal?
     The class won an award for the work and I think the article mentioned
     other classes too.
In the Fall 1995 issue of the ARC News newspaper(Vol17 No.3), they had a
section concerning GIS in Education.  One of the articles deals with a program
at Seaside High School in Oregon.  I am sure that the fine people at ESRI will
provide you with plenty of info about this.  Hope this helps!