----------------------------Original message----------------------------
I somehow missed reference to this list in earlier discussions of map
resources on the net. The list is for sponsored by the British Society of
Cartographers, and is largely taken up with questions of interest to desktop
computer cartographers with a heavy emphasis on Macromedia Freehand (recent
threads have included comparisons of Freehand vs Illustrator vs CorelDraw,
and the limited ability of programs to draw dotted lines). As a cartographer
working mainly in Freehand, I am finding it of great interest, and thought it
might also be of interest to subscribers to this list.
to subscribe to CARTO-SoC:
send a message to: [log in to unmask]
and in the BODY of the message type: subscribe carto-soc
Also of great interest, although further removed from specifically
cartographic circles, is the Freehand list, Freehand-L, maintained at the
University of Alaska. Much technical and general discussion of interest to
desktop mappers, and there appears to be a large contingent of cartographers
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Subject line: Leave blank
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DO NOT type anything else. Hit return and then send.