----------------------------Original message----------------------------
[you wrote:]
>I am digitizing topo maps using the cumbersome tablets.
>I would like to know if anybody knows about on screen digitizing using stylus
>or light pen.
>The idea is to use any tracing or CAD program with a scanned image in the
>background and then creating an overlay digitized on screen.
why use a cumbersome (again!) light pen or styles. Just use your mouse!
>Another request is if anybody came accross any program that converts raster
>contour maps into vector format.
Weeeell.... There are programs that (claim to) do that, but the succes is
very much dependent on the raster file you've got. For example a cadastral
map (just black, crisp lines on white background, not too many, not too
complex) works very well; I've seen an Intergraph  program called I-Vec do
it beautifully on one of their workstations. But try the same on a mediocre
colour scan of a 1:100.000 topo map and you will have a LOT to correct or
redo manually.
Barend Kobben <[log in to unmask]>
Cartography Dept., Utrecht University
PO Box 80115, 3508 TC Utrecht
ph +31-(0)30-2532086;fax +31-(0)30-2540604