----------------------------Original message----------------------------
We use a Rubbermaid cart, with a separate, larger, piece of acid-free
cardboard laid over the top when we move something over 2x3 feet.  Ellen
Ellen Crosby                            [log in to unmask]
Indiana Historical Society Library      317/232-1879 voice
315 W. Ohio St.                         317/233-3109 fax
Indianapolis IN 46202                   http://www.ihs1830.org
On Thu, 22 Feb 1996, Stephen W Rogers wrote:
> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> Here's the nitty-gritty map question of the day...
> Can anyone recommend a specific brand of cart for transporting maps around
> the library? (In other words, a book truck for maps?)
> I've checked the standard library equipment catalogs and have come up with a
> couple of possibilities:
>      1. a Rubbermaid Utility Cart (24" X 36")
>      2. a Steel Service Cart (also 24" X 36")
> Is there a better product for carrying maps around the library?
> Thanks in advance for any suggestions or recommendations.
> Steve Rogers
> Map Room
> Ohio State University Libraries
> [log in to unmask]