----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Hi All
We have just received our first batch of USGS topographic DRG CD-ROMs, along
with the incorporated viewing software.  I am most interested in hearing how
others are faring with Arcview and Aerial View Lite.
We are running into memory problems opening the program with Aerial View
Lite on a Pentium 120 with 16 RAM and a gigabyte hard drive under Windows '95!
Also, our version of ArcView 1.0, previously downloaded to another computer
in the Geosciences Dept. does not recognize the file extensions .tif or
.tfw, it only recognizes .av files.
What's more, the internet sites where shareware registered upgrades of
Aerial View Lite are supposed to be available are not functional!
Is anybody else out there doing better than we are here with these things,
and if so, would you please share what it took?
Sue Barrick
Texas Tech Dept. of Geosciences
USGS Map Depository