----------------------------Original message----------------------------
We have a field day trying to free DMA maps from their tubes. We use one or
more of these methods.
   - the one person tug of war: This is done by holding one end with the legs
     while removing the maps from the other end. It looks utterly ridiculous,
     and patrons seeing in probably laugh the moment we can't see them. But
     it actually works and does no damage to the maps.
   - "husking" : We do this so often that we could qualify for competition
     in the Map Library Olympics.
   - the two person tug of war: This is very seldom done because we found it
     doesn't work very well.
We would also like to know how these maps are packaged. On more than one
occasion, we've received maps that were damaged (ie torn and wrinkled) as a
result of their packaging. If I recall correctly, we complained to DMA
Distribution some time ago about how their packaging system damages our maps.
I don't think we received any response. Has anyone else received maps that
have been damaged as a result of their packaging methods?
Christine Strlich
Graduate Student Library Assistant
Kent State University Map Library