----------------------------Original message----------------------------
The Association of Canadian Map Libraries and Archives is looking for
people to review the following texts for an upcomimg issue of the ACMLA
1. Maps and Civilization - Cartography in Culture and Society by Norman
   J.W. Thrower.
2. Portolans procedents de col-leccions espanyoles: segles XV-XVII - This
   catalogue of the portolan charts exhibition was prepared on occasion
   of the 1995 ICA conference in Barcelona.
3. Mapping For Stonewall - The Civil War Service of Jed Hotchkiss by
   William J.Miller.
4. How To Lie With Maps (Second Edition) by Mark Monmonier.
Anyone interested in reviewing any of the above texts may contact the
me at the address below.
Geoff Brown
Reviews Editor - ACMLA Bulletin
c/o Dalhousie University Map Collection
Halifax, N.S., Canada
e-mail: [log in to unmask]