----------------------------Original message----------------------------
ISSN: 0049-7282
Electronic Version
Part 16, May 1996. To be included in a future print
version of the "Information Bulletin."
1. News
   1.1 ACMLA Bulletin
   1.2 Australian Map Circle
   1.3 Exhibit (April 12 - June 16, 1996)
   1.4 Central Image Bank proposed
2. New books, maps, etc.
   2.1 Books
       2.1.1  Geographic Information Systems and Libraries
   2.2 CD-ROM's and other online sources
       2.2.1 Earth Observing Platforms & Sensors CD-ROM
       2.2.2 EUROMAPS on CD-ROM for MapInfo
       2.2.3 Earth Observation Magazine Online
       2.2.4 Planetary Map FAQ file
   2.3 Reports
       2.3.1 1994 NSDI Competitive Cooperative Agreements Final Reports
       2.3.2 Draft Guidelines for Behavioral Performance of Reference and
             Information Services Professionals
   2.4 Selected Articles
       2.4.1 The Globe
       2.4.2 Earth Observation Magazine
       2.4.3 California Grower
3. Meetings and other educational opportunities
   3.1 The NorthEast Map Organization (NEMO), Woods Hole Oceanographic
        Institute, Quissett Campus, Woods Hole, MA (Cape Cod), 6-7 June 1996.
   3.2 ESRI Southwest Users Group's 1996 Conference, Flagstaff, AZ, 6-8 November
4. Contributors to this issue
5. The Western Association of Map Libraries
1.  NEWS
1.1 ACMLA Bulletin
The editors of the official journal of the Association of Canadian Map
Libraries and Archives, the "ACMLA Bulletin", would like your input and
contributions. If you have an idea for a contribution contact:
Rosaline Milks, Bulletin editor
Paul E. Vandall Map Library
University of Windsor,
Windsor, Ontario N9B 3P4
Tel: (519) 253-4232 Ext:2182
Fax: (519) 973-7050;
e-mail: [log in to unmask]
James Boxall (Map Curator)
Map Collection, Science Services
Killam Library, Dalhousie University
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Canada    B3H 4M8
(t) 902-494-3757
(f) 902-494-2062
(e) [log in to unmask]
Dalhousie University is also the site for the 1996 Annual Meeting of the
Association of Canadian Map Libraries and Archives. Visit their site at
" http://is.dal.ca/~gsbrown/acmla96.html."
1.2 Australian Map Circle
The Australian Map Circle has changed its address. Their new address is
Australian Map Circle
c/- Department of Geography
University of Melbourne
Parkville, Victoria 3052
1.3 Exhibit (April 12 - June 16, 1996)
"Space and Place : Mapmaking East and West" is an exhibit now going on at the
Mitchell Art Gallery on the campus of Saint John's College in Annapolis, MD. The
exhibit looks at 400 years of Western and Chinese Cartography. Through 47 works,
the exhibit looks at the differing traditions of Western cartography which
emphasized technology and the anonymous Chinese cartographers who used pictoral
representations to show place.
The Mitchell Gallery is open Tuesday through Sunday, Noon to 5 pm and Friday
evening from 7 pm - 8 pm. The gallery is closed on Monday. A color catalogue is
available. Call the gallery at (410) 626 - 2556 for more information.
1.4 Central Image Bank proposed
" The Clinton Administration has formally proposed to Congress the establish-
ment of the National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA). It would begin opera-
tion on 1 October next year under a proposal by CIA Director John Deutch,
Defense Secretary William Perry and Gen. John Shalikashvili, Chairman of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff. ... It will include all elements of the Defense Mapping
Agency (DMA), the DoD's Central Imagery Office (CIO), the CIA's National
Photographic Interpretation Center (NPIC) ..."
From Jane's Defense Weekly, December 9, 1995, pg. 8.
2.1 Book(s)
2.1.1 Geographic Information Systems and Libraries
Information; edited by Linda C. Smith & Myke Gluck. Proceedings of the 1995
Clinic on Library Applications of Data Processing.
Electronic technologies, including geographic information systems (GIS),
are creating new ways of meeting the needs of library users of spatial and
cartographic information.  The 32nd Annual Clinic on Library Applications
of Data Processing, held at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
on 2-4 April 1995, addressed the theme of "GIS and Libraries: Patrons,
Maps, and Spatial Information."  The papers from this conference cover a
wide range of topics within the sphere of GIS and libraries.  Whether it
be a consideration of cartographic technology, geographic information
storage and retrieval, or the use of GIS by the general public through
online and public library sources, this edition of the Proceedings
provides a well-rounded examination of the issues, challenges, and
potential solutions (both technological and human) to this rapidly
expanding field.
Contributors include Mark Monmonier, Mary Lynette Larsgaard, Michael Domaratz,
Barbara P. Buttenfield, Ray R. Larson, Linda L. Hill, Myke Gluck, Dean K. Jue,
Sheryl G. Oliver and others.
Information for ordering plus article abstracts are available at
2.2 CD-ROM's and other online sources
2.2.1 Earth Observing Platforms & Sensors CD-ROM
The American Society for Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing (ASPRS) announces
the release of the first CD-ROM to list and illustrate _Earth Observing
Platforms & Sensors_.  Compiled and edited by Stanley A. Morain and Amelia
M. Budge, this unique CD-ROM provides mapping scientists, engineers,
technicians, and students with a resource to study the platforms and
sensors that observe the Earth.  Starting with the early 1960s and
projected through 2010, _Earth Observing Platforms & Sensors_ describes
satellites and aircraft with a focus on atmospheric, geophysical, and
Earth resources.
2.2.2 EUROMAPS on CD-ROM for MapInfo
Bartholomew are delighted to be able to announce the release of Version
1.0 of EUROMAPS on CD-ROM for MapInfo. A complete and consistent
(almost) 1:1million dataset for Europe from North Cape to Gibraltar and
Iceland to the Caspian Sea. Everything is set up with keys and symbology.
It contains contours, bathymetry, roads, railways, lakes, rivers, towns,
mountains and administrative divisions.
A sample is available free on our forthcoming sample data CD.
Send enquiries to [log in to unmask] or David Benson
Tel 44 (0)181 307 4065 Fax 44 (0)181 307 4813.
Note: The MapInfo/Arcview Euromaps CDs should be available to CHEST
academic users shortly (subject to confirmation). The Arcview CD is in
production and should be available in late May.
2.2.3 Earth Observation Magazine Online
This monthly magazine covers integrated applications in the geotechnologies,
including remote sensing, GIS, image processing, GPS, mapping, photogrammetry,
orthophotography, and surveying. Visit their site at "
2.2.4 Planetary Map FAQ file
This file contains .GIF images of maps of small bodies like asteroids and
the moons of Mars which are part of the Small Bodies Mapping Program, and
cartobibliographies for selected worlds.  All items at this location are in
the public domain. The file is available by anonymous FTP from " Phobos.sscl.
uwo.ca/pub/Space." Phil Stooke created the file and the Mapping Program. Contact
him at [log in to unmask]
2.3 Reports
2.3.1 1994 NSDI Competitive Cooperative Agreements Final Reports
Final reports describing the Federal Geographic Data Committee's
1994 NSDI Competitive Cooperative Agreements Program are now available
on-line through the Cooperative Agreements Homepage (http://www.fgdc.gov).
The reports provides descriptions of the activities accomplished, relates
lessons learned along the way, and describes impacts the efforts had on the
organizations involved.
  - the Montana State Library (clearinghouse node project) report
    provides a complete description of how to set up a WAIS server;
  - the Texas Natural Resources Information Systems (clearinghouse node
    project) report gives a step-by-step perspective on building their
    clearinghouse node;
  - the Earth Data Analysis Center, University of New Mexico (metadata
    conversion project) report describes in detail the experience of using
    ARC/INFO Document.AML to generate metadata, and provides a complete
    comparison between Document.AML generated metadata and the Metadata
    Standard [this report is still being formatted for on- line access];
2.3.2  Guidelines for Behavioral Performance of Reference and Information
       Services Professionals
Draft Guidelines for Behavioral Performance of Reference and Information
Services Professionals from the RASD Ad Hoc Committee on Behavioral Guidelines
for Reference and Information Services. February 1995. The final draft will
be published in *RQ*.
The Globe
Number 43, 1995
Selected contents :
Lamble, William
   The Role of the Library Map Collection in Assisting Export Trade.
Pg. 43
Map Section - Report
    State Library of New South Wales.
Pg. 70
Map Section - Report
    State Library of Victoria.
Pg. 73
Earth Observation Magazine
April 01, 1996 v5 n4
Selected contents :
Smith, Sally
   Water Monitoring in the Salinas Valley.
Pg. 43
California Grower
March 01, 1996 v20 n3
Selected Contents :
Sakovich, Nick and Gary Bender
   Picture Perfect
Pg. 36
3.1 The NorthEast Map Organization (NEMO), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute,
    Quissett Campus, Woods Hole, MA (Cape Cod), 6-7 June 1996.
3.2 ESRI Southwest Users Group's 1996 Conference, Flagstaff, AZ, 6-8 November
    1995. Theme - GIS - Bringing the pieces together. Check out their
    homepage at http:\\www.bslnet.com/accounts/raven/www.
Larry Cruse ( [log in to unmask] )
MAPS-L listserv
Tim Rideout ( [log in to unmask] )
Dale Steele ( [log in to unmask] )
Kathryn Womble ( [log in to unmask] )
   WAML News and Notes is a moderated bulletin of the Western
Association of Map Libraries
   The Western Association of Map Libraries (WAML) is an
independent association established to encourage high standards
in every phase of the organization and administration of map
   Membership in WAML is open to any individual, institution, or
business interested in furthering the purposes of the organization.
For further information, contact the WAML Secretary.
        WAML Officers as of July 1, 1995
Kathryn Womble, President
Map Room
Suzzallo Library
University of Washington
Seattle, WA  98195
(206) 543 - 9392
[log in to unmask]
Yvonne Wilson, Vice President/President-Elect
Gov. Pubs & Microforms Dept.
P O Box 19557
Irvine, CA  92713
(714) 856 - 7362
[log in to unmask]
Katherine Rankin, Past President
3189 Brazos ST
Las Vegas, NV  89109
(702) 895 - 3062
[log in to unmask]
J. K. Herro, Secretary
Branner Earth Science Library
Mitchell Building, MC-2210
Stanford University
Stanford, CA  99305
[log in to unmask]
Dorothy McGarry, Treasurer
P O Box 931119
Los Angeles, CA  90093-1119
[log in to unmask]
   To submit items for release in News and Notes, contact
the Information Bulletin editor, Larry Cruse (phone: 619/
534 - 1248; e-mail: [log in to unmask]) or the e-News & Notes
editor, Lucinda M. Hall (phone: 612/625 - 3030; e-mail:
[log in to unmask])