----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Hi Ken-
     Yes, those are references to the aerial shots used to make the
provisionals.  I like them because we have a fairly good set of the GS
aerials, and I can use them like line indexes.  Be aware that sometimes
they are refering to HAP shots.
    Hope this helps.
Sue Trevitt-Clark
University of Oregon
On Fri, 3 May 1996, Ken Rockwell wrote:
> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> A patron asked me the meaning of a symbol on a provisional edition
> of a topo sheet, and I didn't recognize it.  It looks like
> "crosshairs," i.e., a circle divided in four, and it occurs in
> various places on the map.  Next to each one is a hyphenated group of
> numerals, such as 1-112, 2-27, etc.  My guess is that it has to do
> with the sequence of aerial photos used for surveying the area, and
> that they'll gone if the sheet is published in its final form.  Is
> this correct?                  -- KR
> Ken Rockwell
> "Just another map librarian" at
> Marriott Library
> University of Utah
> Salt Lake City, Utah
> "Without Geography--you're NOWHERE!"