----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Just a short announcement - not a paid commercial!
Cleveland celebrates its bicentennial in 1996 and a
new publisher, Cleveland Map Company, has appeared.
We've just received their Visitor's Map & Guide to
Cleveland (Bicentennial ed.) ISBN 0-78342-069-2
This is a full color, tourist map covering downtown
and University Circle (not a standard street map, for
that Commercial Survey Co. still has the best).
The map was designed by Mark Zannoni, an enthusiastic
city planner now living in NYC.
Map can be ordered at 1-800-784-9786 ($2.95) or visit
Mark's home page for a sample and list of retail
outlets: www.panix.com/~mzannoni/clevelandmap
Maureen Farrell
Cleveland Public Library
Map Collection