----------------------------Original message----------------------------
The next meeting of the ALA Map and Geography Round Table Research Libraries
Collection Management Group will be Monday, July 8, 10am, at the Map Division of
the New York Public Library, with the session being on "Meet the Vendors."
Representatives of firms that sell maps from many different publishers will be
there to introduce themselves, with catalogs or examples of the maps and atlases
that they sell.  Here's your chance to get to talk with these vendors and let
them know what sorts of maps you need.  A special thanks to Alice Hudson, Chief
of the Map Division, for hosting this event, and to Nancy Kandoian and Alice
both for the work they have done in preparation for it.
2 topics we won't have a chance to get to, so I hope to address them in early
August through the medium of this list are:
a. acting as a group to influence CRL in purchasing cartographic materials
(Larry Cruse's excellent idea);
b. standards for spatial-data collections - updating the standards issued some
years ago by SLA Geography and Map Division.
Mary Larsgaard
chair, ALA MAGERT Research Libraries Collection Management Group