----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>     We are still struggling to use the DOQ's on cd that we received. What
>     is the easiest way to decompress and view the cd's?
The software on the cd's itself will decompress the specific image. When I
was at U. of Minn. map lib. we used COREL Draw 4.0. You'll need lots of RAM,
and some virtual memory. Using a pentium 90 or 100 MHz machine it will take
about 50 minutes from start to finish. (with practice) Check the Map Library
home page at U. of Minn. There should be step by step instructions.   Good luck.
John A. Olson                               phone: (814) 898-6426
Sr. Assistant Librarian                fax:        (814) 898-6350
Penn State - Erie                     e-mail: [log in to unmask]
The Behrend College
Station Road                 A Library is thought in cold storage
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