----------------------------Original message----------------------------
     I found it. The article on Chase is by Howard Deller in Cartomania,
     #29/30  (Spring/Summer 1993), pp.2-6. There's a large paragraph on his
     personal biography and the rest is his cartography, descriptive and
     examples. I could photocopy the article and send if Mr. Feller, the
     editor, doesn't mind. Give me the snail-mail address.
______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: E.D. Chase
Author:  Maps and Air Photo Systems Forum <[log in to unmask]> at SOS08410
Date:    9/10/96 4:21 PM
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Hello, map people,
A patron just phoned me and said he has a map of the U.S., copyright 1930
in Winchester, Massachusetts. The map's author is Ernest Dudley Chase.
The patron wants information on Chase. All I have been able to find is
the following:
Chase was born in 1878.
He was the author of several pictorial maps.
He wrote a book about greeting cards (1926)
Any other information will be much appreciated. Thank you!
Danica L. Stein
Library Assistant, Maps
McHenry Library
University of California, Santa Cruz
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