----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Exactly one month ago Alice Hudson asked on Maps-L and MapHist about the
series Monumenta Cartographica Rhenaniae:
At 18:03 9-08-96 -0400, you wrote:
>     Map Div. NYPL has items 1, 3 in this series. We have been unable to
>     locate a record for the series in RLIN or OCLC which lists what is
>     available in the entire series. We assume there is an item 2, and more
>     numbered 4+.
>     Item 1 is Einzelkarten des Matthias Quad; item 3 is Die
>     Germania-Wandkarte des Rumold Mercator.
>     Does anyone hold other items from this series, and can you fill me in
>     on the contents? Many thanks.
Peter Meurer is the author of this series, because he's not on e-mail and I
know very well, I called him. He was on vacation and only today I reached
him. He confirmed what I already thought: No. 2 does NOT exist; the only
volumes of this series are 1 and 3.
For no. 2 was planned a facsimile of Jacob van Deventer's map of Gelderland
(1543), for several reasons publication failed. Recently a facsimile of this
map was published by C. Koeman in his _Gewestkaarten van de Nederlanden door
Jacob van Deventer, 1536-1545_ (Alphen aan den Rijn: Uitgeverij Canaletto,
Dr Peter van der Krogt
Map historian, Explokart Research Program
FRW-Cartography, University of Utrecht
P.O. Box 80.115
3508 TC  UTRECHT, The Netherlands
e-mail: [log in to unmask] or [log in to unmask]
fax: +31 30 254 0604 or +31 15 212 6063
Cartography homepage: http://kartoserver.frw.ruu.nl/