----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Thanks everyone, I got an answer to my query, from several folks and here 'tis
in one form anyway [I won't repeat all the msgs I got]. Thanks to everyone who
responded. And my reader thanks you too!
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Subject: Re: help, I can't remember my name...
Author:  Stephen Johnston  <[log in to unmask]> at
Date:    10/25/96 9:41 AM
I haven't actually seen it yet, so don't know if it's the right shape, and
it's 1990s rather than '80s. But the keywords sort of match and the author
is based in Australia:
David Turnbull, Maps are territories: science is an atlas : a portfolio of
exhibits (University of Chicago Press, 1993)
Stephen Johnston
Museum of the History of Science
Broad Street, Oxford, OX1 3AZ
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