----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>A related issue is what to do with the call
>number. Shouldn't the date in the call number be the
>publication date rather than the printing date since that
>must be closer to the date of situation?
In our library, we treat topos sort of like serials, with all
editions of a given quadrangle on the same online record.  As a
result, the fields are different on the bibliographic MARC record.
But as for the call number, I've found them to be tricky as of late.
There have been maps published in the past few years with a revision
date in the lower right; and then when a subsequent printing comes
out, it has an earlier date in the lower right than the previous one!
 Has devolution hit USGS, folks?  The answer turns up in the fine
print on the left, in a statement such as "Map edited 1995."  This is
the date I choose in such cases, rather than the more prominent one
at lower right.  Don't know why they don't highlight this date
instead.    -- KR
Ken Rockwell
"Just another map librarian" at
Marriott Library
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah
"Without Geography--you're NOWHERE!"