----------------------------Original message----------------------------
        My memory tells me that there is a nation/kingdom/something called
"MUSTANG", (at least as an English spelling), somewhere along the
India/Nepal/Tibet borders. My questions are: Does it still exist? Where
is/was it? What is/was it? Which reasonably available maps would it be found on?
        I have one reference that says: "Mustang is probally a Napalese
mispronunciation of the name of the capital of Lo, the city of Manthang".
Moreover, the reference says: "The name is pronounced "Moo-stang" and has
nothing to do with either the automobile or horse with a similar name".
        My need is more to satisfy an old memory rather than any major
reason. However, I would appreciate any comments that are sent.
                Fred L. Schaff, <[log in to unmask]>