----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Map Collection here at Cleveland Public Library is preparing for
a move into a new building. In clearing out our stack area we
located the following which we would be glad to send to a "new
"Enlargements of original maps, drawn for Time, the weekly
We have approx. 79 maps, size varies but most are approx.
24 x 34 inches or 34 x 44 inches. They are primarily red, black
and white and give the date of the issue when the map appeared in
Time magazine. (We have double checked a few against our back file
of Time to verify that they are in fact the same maps). They have
all been folded at least once but are in good condition for WW II
era paper. They are bold and dramatic (but without much detail),
and would make good display materials. Unfortunately at this time
our preservation priorities concentrate on local or truly rare materials.
We do not wish to "break up" the set, so the set is free to the first
institutional map collection which can offer them a home for the holidays.
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Cleveland Public Library
Map Collection
Maureen Farrell