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Date: Sat, 21 Dec 1996 17:07:09 -0600
From: [log in to unmask]
Reply-To: Discussion of Government Document Issues <[log in to unmask]>
To: Multiple recipients of list GOVDOC-L <GOVDOC-L@PSUVM>
Subject: Re: DRG CD-ROMs
The Digital Raster Graphic CD-ROMS had more than one problem and thus
were put on hold earlier this fall by USGS.  At that time there was
every indication they would continue to be sent through GPO for
replication and distribution to the depository libraries.  Since then
decisions at USGS have been made to discontinue replication through GPO
because of the costs associated with making a master of the CD-ROM.
USGS and Library Programs Service are still discussing the options for
providing the material for the libraries in light of the current USGS
decision to not replicate through GPO.  Libraries will be advised of
the final outcome via this listserv and in the Administrative Notes.
Robin Haun-Mohamed
Library Programs Service (SLLA)
U.S. Government Printing Office
Washington, DC  20401
(202) 512-1071  FAX: (202) 512-1636  email: [log in to unmask]
.  >Has anyone heard whether Depository libraries will be receiving the
>corrected copies of the DRG (I 19.124/49, Digital Raster Graphic Data)
>CD-ROMs? The USGS web page for the DRGs indicates that "because of a
bug in
>USGA data production procedures, some DRG's were produced with
incorrect or
>incomplete georeferencing information. This bug was found in July,
>Upon detection, the bug was fixed immediately. Any DRG's made after
>1996 have correct GeoTIFF information in their headers. Over the next
>several months, the USGS will replace all CD-ROM products that contain
>or more DRG's exhibiting missing GeoTIFF information".
>I recently called the Rolla MO office to order 7 CDs that we claimed
>GPO but we had gotten  the  "claims exhaused" response. Chuck
Patterson said
>that the distribution has been suspended until the corrected CDs are
>but he doesn't know about GPO distribution. He did also say that the
>will work for most users, but the fix is to make them usable on future
>systems. For more information on the problems and the discs affected,
go to:
>    http://mcmcweb.er.usgs.gov/drg/geoerror.html
>Of course, I hope to hear that we will all receive corrected copies
through GPO.
>Mary Hayden
>Mary G. Hayden      Library Services Assistant
>UW-Eau Claire       W.D. McIntyre Library
>Government Publications Dept
>PO Box 5010         Eau Claire WI  54702-5010
>[log in to unmask]
>715 836-3859
>FAX 715 836-2906