----------------------------Original message----------------------------
     Just got a news release which might be of interest...
       OCTOBER 3 & 4, 1997
     "The Southeast in Early Maps" is the title of a map conference to be
     held at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill on October 3,
     4, 1997.
     Cosponsored by the North Caroliniana Society and the University
     Library's North Carolina Collection, the conference will memorialize
     the late William P. Cumming and honor the forthcoming new edition of
     Cumming's classic volume, The Southeast in Early Maps, as enlarged and
     revised by Louis DeVorsey, Jr.
     Confirmed speakers include David Woodward, Editor of The History of
     Cartography, on that subject; Ralph E. Ehrenberg, Chief of the Library
     of Congress's Geography and Map Division, on the mapping of North
     America; Louis DeVorsey, reviser of the new volume, on the Southeast
     in early maps; and Kenneth Nebenzahl, premier map collector and
     author, on map collecting and collections. Additional sessions,
     emphasizing North Carolina in maps, will be accompanied by an exhibit
     of historic maps in the North Carolina Collection Gallery.
     For a copy of the program and registration information, contact H. G.
     Jones or Robert G. Anthony, Jr., North Carolina Collection, UNC Campus
     Box 3930, Chapel Hill, NC 27514-8890; Fax 919-962-4452.