----------------------------Original message----------------------------
        This is a more mundane request for personal use but: Does anyone
know if there is a CD-ROM of all of the roads/highways in the United Kingdom
that is similar to "Precision Mapping" or "DeLorne" in the United States?
Thats one that goes down to the 500-foot scale, finds streets/roads by "ZIP"
code and/or area.
        I've checked with several book stores in the UK via the Internet and
found nothing but it would seem to me that both Britains and other tourists
would make a big, big market for such a travel aid.
        Thanks for any help that might come my way.
        Fred Schaff, Spring Grove, PA, <[log in to unmask]>
Fred Schaff, Spring Grove, PA, <[log in to unmask]
"The Meek shall inherit the Earth. The Rest of Us will go to the Stars."
                John W. Campbell