These two messages are from Tim Rideout.------------------Johnnie
>From: [log in to unmask]
>Date: Tue, 22 Apr 1997 11:48:40 EDT
>Subject: RE: UK Road Map
Dear Fred,
There are a number of digital UK road maps. Foremost at the moment is
Autoroute from Microsoft (previously Nextbase until Mr Gates bought it).
There are others, though, from the AA, and Ordnance Survey. These all
use mapping at scales between 1:250000 and 1:625000. We will be releasing
our own Collins Road Atlas on CD in Aug/Sept 1997 priced at 24.99 pounds.
For street level mapping things are not so good. We will be releasing the
Collins Greater London Street Atlas on CD in 6 weeks time at 150 pounds,
but outside London I think there is currently little available in the
way of detailed street level mapping.
Tim Rideout#
>From: [log in to unmask]
>Date: Tue, 22 Apr 1997 11:52:26 EDT
Just as a further follow up on this, please contact the following
for more details on Bartholomew GB and London road data, and Collins
CD-ROM products:
[log in to unmask]
To see our GB road data on the web try
Tim Rideout