----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Thank you Rich for clarifying the matter of the map cases and also to
Peter for the description of the microfilm cabinet.  Being aware of Rich
Soares library experience, I knew I was missing something when I read
the original question.  I confess to never having heard about this type
of microfilm cabinet of map case.  Several uses for this type case were
obvious after reading the description.  It will be interesting to see if
there is any such product useable for maps on the market.
While we are on the subject of map cases, another posting discussed the
current state of Hamilton map cases.  It is my understanding that the
Hamilton cases still available from Mayline are being built on request only
and are quite expensive.  Also that they resemble the Mayline cases in metal
thickness and other appearance features.  Has anyone who works with maps in
a library actually seen the Hamilton cases currently produced by Mayline?
I would like to know if what I have heard is true.  We will have to replace
and add more map cases to our equipment inventory in the near future.
Russell Guy gave us useful information about the cases in an earlier message
but I am hoping others will be willing to share their experiences.  I have
spoken with fellow librarians who I know will appreciate this information.
HelenJane Armstrong, Head Map & Imagery Library, University of Florida
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