----------------------------Original message----------------------------
I don't think "enclave" is the term ask for, since it mostly concern a very
small portion of one country within another.
The "curious staff member", I guess, asked for a term describing countries
as San Marino, Vatican City and Lesotho, where the complete country is
surrounded by a single other country (Italy and South Africa respectively)
I think these three are the only countries having this feature, so I wonder
if a special word exists.
We must make one!
At 10:02 25-07-97 EDT, you wrote:
>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>On Thu, 24 Jul 1997, Arlyn Sherwood wrote:
>> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>>      I have a curious staff member who thinks there is a particular word
>>      that describes a single country that is surrounded geographically by
>>      another single country. Anybody know this term?
>A single word: enclave.
>Dov Gavish
>The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
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