----------------------------Original message----------------------------
"An Atlas of Cyberspaces" is a WWW atlas of maps and graphic
representations of the geographies of the new electronic territories of
the Internet, WWW and other emerging Cyberspaces.
The Atlas has been updated and totally redesigned. The introductory page
of the Atlas is at :
The Atlas is divided into five sections, covering different classes of
cybermaps. The classification is as follows :
 - conceptual maps,
 - geographic maps,
 - topology maps,
 - information maps,
 - information landscapes.
A wide range of cybermaps are included. I would welcome any feedback
people have on the content and style of the new Atlas of Cyberspaces. I
intend to increase the number of sections and example cybermaps over the
next few months.
Thanks for your time,
martin dodge
| MARTIN DODGE - email : [log in to unmask]   |
|Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (CASA) |
|       University College London,           |
|         1-19 Torrington Place,             |
|     London, WC1E 6BT. United Kingdom.      |
| -------------------------------------------|
| Tel : 0171 391 1782                        |
|          Web : www.geog.ucl.ac.uk/casa/    |