----------------------------Original message----------------------------
     Yes, we did several searches earlier today. Unfortunately several did
     not have urls our system spoke to...but I got enough info to order a
     couple of goodies which should keep even the sourest doubtful reader
     happy!  Thanks mapsters!
     Alice Hudson
     Map Division,NYPL
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Subject: Silicon Valley Maps
Author:  Schaff-Fred <[log in to unmask]> at ~Internet-Mail
Date:    7/15/97 2:40 PM
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
        A net search, just what I like. For Silicon Valley, (just a few from
the search), try the following:
1: http://www.wwwebport.com/citygates/sv/svfullview.html
503kBytes panoramic view from SF to SJ with roads/buildings
2: http://webx.best.com/~mentorms/maps_sj.htm
a whole list of possible maps including at least two called "Silicon Valley"
3: http://ng.netgate.net/~pietro/NerdTour/
addresses, maps, GPS locations, more of several silicon valley facilities.
Try it, Its fun!
Fred Schaff, Spring Grove, PA, <[log in to unmask]
"The Meek shall inherit the Earth. The Rest of Us will go to the Stars."
                John W. Campbell