----------------------------Original message----------------------------
(Please forgive any multiple messages from crossposting.)
                        *** ANNOUNCING ***
                   Release of the SECOND EDITION
                             of the
The just released second edition continues the information transfer of
the first in an even more thorough, updated, and polished manner.
Thousands of lines of new information have been added across all
categories along with several new directories and data set descriptions.
The result reflects literally thousands of interesting, enjoyable and
freely given hours of research.  Originally the product of Master's
thesis efforts in 1996 the Guide has rapidly become the premier
Web-based resource to comprehensive information on Japanese GIS and
related Mapping Sciences.
For those of you new to the Guide it attempts to bring together under
one cover as much information as reasonably possible on the title and
topic, without commercial endorsements of products, vendors, or
contractors.  The Guide is designed to serve as an introduction to the
intriguing, extensive, and varied world of Japanese GIS, remote sensing,
geospatial data products, maps, activities and information sources.  It
serves primarily to help English-speaking geographic information systems
and remote sensing specialists, engineers, geographers, cartographers,
geologists, production managers, computer and data processing
professionals, and marketing and sales executives.  Additions,
corrections, and comments are very welcome.
TEL: (1) (501) 575-6159     Stephan POLLARD      FAX: (1) (501) 575-5218
                           Research Specialist
            Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies (CAST)
                             Ozark Hall #12
                         University of Arkansas
                   Fayetteville, Arkansas  USA  72701
http://www.cast.uark.edu/~sp/                  http://www.cast.uark.edu/