----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
><< There is a school of thought in geology that the earth has undergone gross
> expansion from ancient times.  >>
>Eschew crackpottery.
Crackpottery comes in all forms.  For example, it is thought crackpots will
seize upon any idea and become fixated and will pursue it in spite of
obvious evidence against it.
But crackpottery really depends upon how many people believe a particular
idea.  If only one, then that's crackpottery (according to the normal
interpretation).   If just a small number, then that's a cult (again,  a
perjorative attached to a minority from a majority).  If a large number,
then that's mainstream and that is the same thing as 'science by
consensus'.  But wait a minute!  Wasn't the crackpot a consensus of one and
the cult a consensus of a few?  Seems like the moniker you have attached to
people who think there's strong evidence for 'earth expansion' fits you
also.  Because I can tell you certainly that much of what passes for wisdom
in modern science is arrived at by consensus without the benefit of
experimental verification - and there's hardly anything more crackpot than
Now did I ask for your opinion about earth expansion?  Nope!  Not at all.
So what makes you think that it is even a well qualified opinion?
Consensus?  Probably - so if you can't help - why don't you just butt out
and go back to the herd?
Without any regard,
C. Cagle